In the "Build New Craft" screen you have a "Translate Part Tools" & "Rotate Part Tool" (with Green & Red arrows icons)

Within these tools you can adjust:
- Mode (Connected or Self)
- Direction (Local of World)

Can someone explain to me what do these mean and what is the difference between "Connected & Self" and the difference between "Local & World" ?



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    @QarabinaKa thanks man! It makes a lot more sense now... These things are not always evident when you first try to figure out the game 😅
    It makes building crafts a lot less difficult when you actually understand how the tools work ;-)

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    3,718 QarabinaKa

    Connected means it rotates/translates the part and all those connected to it. Self translates/rotates only that part, even if others are connected to it. Local relates to the directions relative to the part, eg: if part is at 15°, translate is also at 15°. World means the directions relative to the world, eg: translate arrow direction remains the same regardless of part angle.

    +4 5.5 years ago

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