I cool add on might be to include a sonic boom when a a rocket, spacecraft, space plane, etc breaks the sound barrier.
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692 Jerba
There is aero effects. If you are going fast enough (past sound barrier) and you turn hard enough, a shimmering air thing will appear on the wings and body. Also goes for rockets, but hard to do on mobile(all graphics are not implemented, but current update should add it) ((there is no sonic boom for any version))
8 yopo
Yes! Great idea! I was going to suggest this as well. Additionally, it would be cool if the sonic boom occurred at different speeds at different altitudes and or different atmospheric compositions (on planets other than Droo/Earth). :)
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The experience of a sonic boom depends on where the observer is. You hear booms when the shocks cross over you. The shocks are created continuously while the craft is supersonic.