I currently have issues with aligning and controlling the burn tool since there is no specified area to burn and when to do it so I can't get anywhere without hours of trial and error until I can adjust the burn to align my orbit at the intended destination!!! HELP??
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18.2k plane918273645
Click on the little fire button (has to be blue) then click on the time warp to node
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Tap somewhere on your orbit on the map page (apoapsis and periapsis are good places, but anywhere works) and you’ll see a little plus sign. Tap that again and you’ll get a multi coloured symbol with little balls on the end of each spoke. Start by using the green ones to plan a burn to set your orbit. Open the Map View option (spreadsheet symbol) and you’ll see a row of icons near the top. The first one on the left is the Auto Burn - this will activate your main engine to achieve what you’ve planned. Good luck!