Will sr2 ever be open source? I am a unity developer and i would love to thinker around with sr2 will it ever be open source?



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    @NathanMikeska thanks!

    6.3 years ago
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    No current plans for open source. We do plan to add official mod support in the future though. We do have some capability for that now, but it needs some work before it goes 'official'. That being said, you are welcome load up our ModTools in Unity and start poking around...
    You should be able to find them here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SimpleRockets2\ModTools\SimpleRockets2_ModTools.unitypackage
    If you are interested in making mods for SR2 and run in to any roadblocks or functionality you would like to see added to SR2 and our mod tools, please let me know! I'd love to whatever I can to help the modding community grow.

    +2 6.3 years ago

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