
Getting to Luna is rather simple. In this tutorial, I will explain how to get to Luna with simplicity. Everything you need to know is included in this post.


Prograde: Coming Soon
Retrograde: Coming Soon
Apoapsis: Coming Soon
Periapsis: Coming Soon

Needed Knowledge

DeltaV Needed: 7350km/s
Get Into Orbit Coming Soon
Droo Circularization: During a Luna mission you don't necessarily need to circularize around Droo.


Step 1: Launch and get into a stable orbit. (Recommended: Above 60km)

Step 2: Open the map, target Luna, and look on your NAV sphere for a grey arrow. Time warp until that grey arrow is pointing directly at Luna.

Step 3: Burn Prograde towards Luna until your rocket icon and the moon icon is on top of each other and are both green.

Step 4: Time warp until you leave Droo's orbit.

Step 5: Once you are on the path of orbiting Luna, burn Retrograde until your Apoapsis is above 25km.

Step 6: Time warp to your Apoapsis.

Step 7: Burn Retrograde directly at your Apoapsis until you are in an orbit.

Step 8: Circularize. To raise your Apoapsis you must burn Prograde at your Periapsis. To raise your Periapsis you must burn Prograde at your Apoapsis. To lower your Apoapsis or Periapsis you must burn Retrograde instead of Prograde.



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