When docking a craft to another craft (very slowly) and having turning off 'Locked Target', the craft docked to can start to shake to such extent that other craft get ejected from the docking port.

Using standard docking ports, I docked 4 craft to one 'root'. After reloading the save game, the first thing that happened was that 3 of 4 craft where ejected and floating.

I gave up at this point; I tried everything by now to prevent this. Disable all command pods, disable all RCS and dock without using 'Locked Target'. But still, this happens. My goal with the sandbox is to create a large refueling station but that seems to be impossible now unfortunately.

My suggestion:
- reduce force exerted from the craft docked to, to prevent other craft from undocking after a successful dock

Not sure how to post images on the forums here, but I uploaded two images showing what happened:



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    3,718 QarabinaKa

    I have had that as well. I solved it by checking the checkbox on the other pods that makes them duplicate commands

    5.4 years ago
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    19 AlexNL

    @NathanMikeska After starting the game again, the save game was already in a state where the undocking had happened. Sorry about that. :(

    5.4 years ago
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    19 AlexNL


    A scenario is pretty hard to reproduce maybe, I will give it a try. Does it help if I send you the save game I had? At that point everything undocks, so at pause everything is still docked.

    5.4 years ago
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    If you have an easily reproducible scenario, please upload it as a bug report with any steps necessary on how to reproduce the issue.

    5.4 years ago
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    19 AlexNL

    @plane918273645 Yes :) Option is set to 'High'

    5.4 years ago
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    Is quality at highest?

    5.4 years ago

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