
Yeah, The SR2O is back, And yes, I was supposed to post it yesterday but I was very busy (even right now I'm squeezing through time). But anyways, it's time to get started with this thing!

SimpleRockets2 News!

Okay now this is some epic news we have so lets go over epic news Number 1.

EVA Concept

Okay my first thought when I saw this was; WOAH! Yeah, That's right, Last edition we went briefly over this but game developer weebabyseamus just made a post about the concept. No confirmed release date yet but we can expect a few features; WASD Control, the Ability to Spint and jump. (If you are on mobile you will have a D-Pad to control movement) weebabyseamus also said that we would have the ability to change the appearance of the astronauts, We would be able to change the Era of the suit, example; 1960's, modern, And maybe futuristic? You would also be able to change the Nation that the suit is from, But this made me think... Will the Nations be real life nations or made up ones? Afterall, Droo is not Earth, It doesn't even resemble Earth in the way the land is shaped. Personally I think it would be really cool to have made up nations, and different flags, and Launch sites for each nation. That is just my opinion. It is now time for...


Woah! If you already thought that playing SR2 got you a degree in rocket science, You can get one for Programming too! This is Vizzy , It stands for; Visual Programming System for Flight Automation (big brain time) I will let Mr.Garrison talk about the rest; I've been working on the Automated Flight Planner task for a couple of weeks now. I started the project with the intention of making a simple flight planner with a set of instructions that would be executed one-by-one until finished. That quickly grew into much bigger plans for a visual programming system with support for loops, conditions, and variables. Now, the more accurate name for this would be a Visual Programming System for Flight Automation, which I have nicknamed Vizzy. I've also held onto the original inspiration for simplicity so that players that don't want to assemble a complete program can simply snap blocks together to make a simple flight plan. However, advanced players can take advantage of the additional complexity to create very complicated programs.

Here's a snapshot of a prototype of "Vizzy" the visual programming system I'm working on. Obviously, highly influenced by Scratch, Snap! and Turtles.

I've still got quite a bit of work to do, but with any luck, this will make it in the next update. We'll see.

Edit: Here are some of the instructions, properties, etc I have in mind. Do you have any suggestions?

Craft Properties



Set Input to {x}
Lock Heading to {Angle}
Lock Pitch to {Angle}
Lock Prograde, Retrograde, Target
Wait for {x} seconds
Wait until <condition>
Repeat {x} times
Activate Next Stage
Enable Activation Group {x}
Disable Activation Group {x}
Toggle Activation Group {x}
Show Message {text}
Basic Operators and Functions

Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT, XOR
Numeric operators: +, -, *, /
Comparison Operators: <, >, =
Math functions: Abs, Floor, Ceiling, Sqrt, Sin, Cos, Tan, Acos, Asin, Atan.

Thank you very much Andrew! Time for the next part of the SR2O!

Craft Of The Week!

OV-103 Discovery Space Shuttle, By Funny8ekranoplan

Woah! Now that is what you call high-detail! 2 Months was spent on this thing! Absolutely awesome!

Sandboxe of The Week!


Now this is cool! If you wanted more planets, than this is for you!

Unfortunately, I could not spare the time to make my own memes.


I have been working on this edition for the past 3 hours, I am so sorry for the lack of content but I really need to end this up

K cya next time when I'm not as tired!


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    I'm going to give a toast to whoever actually reads all of this.

    Pinned 5.3 years ago
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    @TitanIncorporated yeah that would be neat

    5.3 years ago
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    How about adding test dummie health to the variables?

    5.3 years ago
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    @Shibe lol ty

    5.3 years ago
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    508 Shibe

    It’s like the SR news Paper , so of course!

    5.3 years ago
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    @JastroOne1 lol

    5.3 years ago
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    @PositivePlanes Of course I read it, It's interesting!

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    11.1k JastroOne1

    You featured a solar system that moon doge does not approve of! 🤣 Jk, these posts are getting better quality each time. Keep it up man!

    5.3 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    I very much look forward to these and read all of them

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    @Incagnito Congratulations!

    +1 5.3 years ago


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