I have an HP Pavilion G7 laptop, I'm not exactly sure WHICH G7 it is, but they're all practically the same. It has 4gb of RAM but about 85% of it can be used. Simplerockets 2 runs extremely slow on my laptop, even on all-low graphics settings. Its driving me nuts. I decided to upgrade it to 8gb of RAM, but my question is, will this upgrade really make a difference? Or did I just waste my money?
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121 LiamW
@nathanmagnus Your central processing unit (CPU) handles pretty much everything except graphics. Your graphics processing unit (GPU) handles mostly just graphics. RAM is trickier to explain. To run almost anything smoothly you'll probably need 8GB of RAM. If I knew exact specs of your computer, I could give you more tips but it's quite likely you'll need a whole new PC to run anything higher than minimum settings. However, SR2 will have lots of performance upgrades over the coming months so it might be fine in the future.
PS get someone else to give you better tips because I'm no expert -
12.0k nathanmagnus
Thank you for the comment! Could you please iterate what you mean by CPU and GPU holding it back? I'm not very computer savy @LiamW
121 LiamW
Yes, it will make a difference. How much difference? I don't know. It will probably be fairly significant but your GPU and CPU may also be holding it back a lot so you may not notice a difference.
No your tips were very helpful! Unfortunately I cannot buy another computer but hopefully the RAM boost will help. @LiamW