You may be thinking that there isn’t a difference between the 2 planets, being that Droo has exactly the same gravity as earth. Aside from continents, the radius of Droo I’ve calculated to be 1275km, whereas Earth’s is 6378km, roughly 5 times greater at the equator!

Knowing this, it would explain why the minimal orbital velocity is less than half of Earth’s, meaning all replica rockets with exact same stats do in fact perform unrealistically better than their real life counterparts. Hence intentionally reducing performance would help model some would-be rocket replicas a bit better, like the A10-A12 German launch platform.


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    Explained so beautiful n in detail that too just under 5 min..... Great work

    8 months ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    @plane918273645 i mean that google or apple change their policies

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    @Insanity Agreed. This excerpt from the A9/A10 article on Astronautix made me concerned:
    “ Guidance systems of the time were hopelessly inaccurate at the 5000 km range planned for the A9/A10. Therefore it was decided that the A9 would have to be piloted. After cut-off of its engine at 390 km altitude and 3,400 m/s, the A9 would re-enter and begin a long glide to extend the range. The pilot was to be guided by radio beacons on surfaced German submarines in the Atlantic Ocean. After reaching the target the pilot would lock in the target in an optical sight, then eject. Death or internment as a prisoner of war would follow.”

    3400m/s at 390km is more than enough speed at that altitude nonetheless 100km to achieve orbit, whereas it was supposed to be intercontinental but still suborbital. Gives you an idea of the difference in that alone.

    5.3 years ago
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    Impossible @Insanity

    5.3 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    @TopSecret2 i hope that situation changes sometime in the future allowing mods on mobile.

    5.3 years ago
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    @Insanity yeah I know. But mobile users have to suffer without the ability to install mods, and by that I mean IOS users.

    5.3 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    The engines are actually slightly nerfed compared to real life to make up for the smaller sizes.
    Let me point you towards RSS
    and Realistic engine overhaul

    +1 5.3 years ago

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