(Hi, firstly I'm new here but not new to this game as you can probably tell from the first craft I published ^~^)

-Realistic Large Ships-

The purpose of this post is to promote the line of crafts I will be producing under the umbrella term 'RLS'. These craft are modelled on the sort of things in the realistic space combat game Children of a Dead Earth (Scott Manley does a great series of videos on this game).

The designs of these craft are purely functional, and they're modelled for minimised cross section and efficiency. The drive systems I'm using are hypothetical fusion sources but since that isn't ingame I have to add edited internal fuel tanks to accomadate for this. All of my craft will have details such as internal structure [the one I released has a habmodule]. I've used Solar Panels to emulate radiators, as radiation and crewhabs don't go well and the weapon and electrical systems would also need cooling.

I have armed the first craft I released, and the gun is /sort/ of effective if used up close (only works in physics range).

Lore/Universe updates will come shortly. Also, for reference I use ESS to give more orbital bodies to explore ^~^


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    New Ship



    Tydos Shipyards™ MK1 Explorer, a way to explorer without worrying about fuel
    [Image Link] ]https://jundroo.blob.core.windows.net/simplerockets/files/2019/12/10/yte2Gz/UserView-0.jpg

    5.2 years ago
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    8 yopo

    I love Children of a Dead Earth, great game! Also, thanks for posting and sharing your new plans for realistic large ships, I'll definitely be following your updates. Best of luck on your engineering efforts. :)

    5.2 years ago
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    Science blog for the game I mentioned https://childrenofadeadearth.wordpress.com/


    Fusion Propulsion 101:



    Scott Manley series:



    +1 5.2 years ago


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