Hello, new player here asking for advice. I understand the basic maths behind getting to other bodies and that, but unfortunately, my calculations lack base constants. Does anyone know the masses of the planets, their distances from the sun, or even the DeltaV required to reach them? Or if possible point me towards where to find this information. Information on the engine efficiencies etc would be good too. I'm probably just being dumb and not looking in the right place, but any help would be appreciated.



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    @5thHorseman Right, so basically you're saying that the tools necessary are not present within the game and that I'm just gonna have to throw a bunch of parts together and hope for the best. Looks like I have a lot of maths ahead of me then! On the bright side, this should pose a more 'hands-on' challenge than KSP.

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    @NeonEviscerator well there are maneuver nodes. Gizmos. Maneuver gizmos. They call then gizmos here.

    But once in orbit you can set one up and it tells you how much dV you need to do it.

    I'm not sure you can chain them though like in Kerbal Space Program. I assume that if you can't now you will be able to in time.

    Note though that a gizmos will tell you what to do, not if your rocket is capable of it. Hence burning all the fuel to find the dV of that rocket to find the constant to use in future equations while designing.

    6.3 years ago
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    @5thHorseman So there's no way of pre-planning your flight without just chucking test masses into space? That seems odd, but thanks for the assistance. I guess we have to do this the hard way.

    6.3 years ago
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    To get dV of your rocket, build a rocket and put it in space, far from the home planet or even in the orbit of the Sun. Note your orbital velocity, and then burn prograde all of your fuel. Then reverse your equation to find your constant.

    Get a ship in a circular orbit of any world and note the orbital velocity. Then you can get the mass of the planet from the orbit speed equation.

    Then you should have all the information you need.

    6.3 years ago
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    @NeonEviscerator yeah, i don't know

    6.3 years ago
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    @Jetspeed1001 I understand that, but I want to be sure of having enough fuel to complete the maneuver. For that, I need to know the DeltaV requirements to get to my target body and the amount my rocket is capable of producing. I can calculate these values but I need at least something to go on. Right now I'm not sure how much of this information is available.

    6.3 years ago
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    use the planned burn gizmo, they allow you to plan your burns before doing it. when you're in orbit, hover your mouse over your orbit trajectory, you'll see a little circle appear, click there, and it gives you sliders to adjust the trajectory (the planned trajectory)

    6.3 years ago

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