If I look at the user list and see the very same top people from SP then I will be mad. This will be fine when the game comes out, but are the SP platinum players forums really that much better than everyone else’s? no. Can everyone please have a fair chance?



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    everyone has a fair chance, its how you use it

    7.2 years ago
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    588 Awsomur

    You do have a fair chance, but you’re not taking advantage of it. @chancey21

    7.2 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    No, It just bothers me that gestour is on top before the game is even out. Everyone deserves a fair chance@Awsomur

    7.2 years ago
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    588 Awsomur

    It’s all fair. Some people just have more skill. Will the skilled SimplePlanes players be skilled at SR2? Perhaps. So just accept that and don’t stress over points.
    (Sorry if that’s aggressive I just got back from a huge theme park and I’m wiped out & cranky)

    7.2 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan

    @chancey21 k

    7.2 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    True I regret many of those as I was kind of new @RailfanEthan

    7.2 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan

    its primarily popularity and content of forums that create points. I'm not gonna lie you've made a bunch of forums on SP that serve little purpose. When you post multiple per day, it gets old and such. The best way to earn popularity is character and background. The best way to make content in forums is through tough, hard, and vigorous thought. Not through stuff like described in this post

    7.2 years ago

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