Hi All,

Posted my first attempt at an automated launcher.
As noted, 20,000kg to 200km orbit with about 1500dv available in a fully fueled 2nd stage

if the 2nd stage is removed, total payload weight is over 80,000kg

I'm particularly happy with the way I setup a subsytem to keep variables up to date, and then reference those in memory variables rather than calls to craft properties.




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    7,237 Nethereal

    @crowxe well create variable is one thing. What I am explaining is that I maintain a seperate 'thread' that is dedicated for updating all the variables in the program, on a predetermined interval. This helps flatten/frame the input data for the whole program, and avoid some pitfalls in the process

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    @Nethereal is that the create variable thing? I was suffering until I knew how to do it . It's awesome, is this what you're referring to?

    5.1 years ago
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    7,237 Nethereal

    @crowxe just means that you’re have a system to maintain variable values, and that I use those variables than the craft attributes/properties for example

    5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    I did some good work with vizzy too but I'm sure I'm using complicated lines to compensate for my lack of knowledge with vizzy. That being said, I hope you can explain your following segment in simple English "subsytem to keep variables up to date, and then reference those in memory variables rather than calls to craft properties"

    5.1 years ago


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