New guy here. How are you guys powering the command pod when trying to come back to the surface with just the command pod and a parachute, like during the Apollo years. As soon as I separate after the reentry burn the battery starts to drain and its empty long before I need to deploy the parachute. How are you guys dealing with that issue. I'm not able to attach any solar panels to the command pod, being new I must be overlooking something.
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2 Muskoka
@PointBreak Thanks again, added a small fuel tank, switched it to a battery, and all was fine. Still got a lot to learn about the inner workings of SR.
1,114 PointBreak
@Muskoka You need a "dedicated" fuel tank for battery, regardless of when you do the re-entry burn.
When you're going up, the engines usually take care of changing the pitch. But when you have a commmand pod alone, it uses the onboard gyroscope to do that.
And it's the gyroscope that's eating all the battery (if I'm not mistaken).
Just put a little fuel tank with battery between the command pod and the heat shield.
e.g. -
2 Muskoka
Thanks, but my fuel tank is gone after re-entry. All I have is the command pod and the parachute. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. I'm doing the re-entry burn (battery is still 100%), separate from the fuel tank and engine, and by the time I'm close to the surface the battery has long since drained. At what altitude should I be doing the burn? I'm doing the burn at about 70,000m.
1,114 PointBreak
On the part properties of the fuel tank, deselect "Auto Select Fuel Type" and choose battery.
You can also just decrease the amount of power the reaction wheel uses as it is way to powerful for just a command pod, parachute and heatshield anyways.