I just got the game and i'm more interested in the plane side of things over the rockets, after trying the stock plane i noticed i couldn't roll. I checked my key-binds and made sure the input for the control surfaces was set to roll but still nothing, even on the shuttle landing mission it wasn't working. I have filed a bug report but any help here would be greatly appreciated, thanks!



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    100 LukeJ848

    after reinstalling and verifying game files i still cant roll, it works if i use the heading or slider but my keyboard input still refuses to work

    4.8 years ago
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    100 LukeJ848

    @AstronautPlanes bad internet sounds about right, ill reinstall and see how that goes

    4.8 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    Try to check you Q and E keys of your keyboard, another factor could be that SR2 was not installed correctly (it happened to me one day because of a bad internet)

    4.8 years ago
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    100 LukeJ848

    Yeah they didn’t work so I tried switching them with yaw (a and d) and it still didn’t work, if nobody can solve it I’ll reinstall tomorrow and see how that goes. @SupremeDorian

    4.8 years ago
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    I believe by default Q and E are the roll buttons

    4.8 years ago

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