Do they exist in SimpleRockets2? If not, any plans on that?

Wanted to build a space telescope and send it there to sit.



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    There's no such a magic to make Lagrangian Points and yet make it simple. If you want it, you need a supercomputer and NASA level planning, or be really smart as KSP Prinkipia mod guys.

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    I can't speak for future plans, but they're not in the game right now. At least, nothing mentions them and I don't see any indication that they're modeled.

    I assume that - like with Kerbal Space Program - they don't exist due to the fact that SR2 uses patched conics and not n-body systems. Any attempt to put them in would be a hack and would likely not be super satisfying to play with.

    6.2 years ago
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    6 ReIzO

    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago

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