Yes, it's done 👍👍, uploading the video
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8,458 crowxe
@Rizkyman I do have that program and required device, check my craft uploads
22.8k Rizkyman
@crowxe we need simple script of circular LEO launch, lunar window launch, trans lunar injection, orbital transfer & launch window, suicide burn. Thats help alot for launching multiple craft
8,458 crowxe
It works but it takes around 40 min or 20 min with fast forward (only during the less sensitive parts) . Inaccuracy was the key to success . My main problem was when to slow down, so I took advantage of the inaccuracy of homing and make that a trigger for backward translation. The aiming is based on the "input" value of pitch and yaw as the craft is pointed prograde but locked on target it sends input values to vizzy. I then lock heading to non/prograde and use those input values for translation. That's it. If I was better vizzy programmer, it would have been even better.
21.4k Rafaele
Wow!! Definetly want to test this out, if it works my suggestion of auto dock will not be a thing ^w^
8,458 crowxe
@Rizkyman i dont know much orbital mechanics , just let me know what script you need and i may have it in my list
22.8k Rizkyman
Cool bro, please make a script that do all orbital mechanic job. I'm lazy man you know
The craft is released and continuously ceiling enhanced to my best. When I'm tired of it I'll move to next challenge... rendezvous and dock 😈😈😈