I've been playing with the Vizzy program, and I've decided that I'd like to learn to use Vizzy to it's full potential. I don't get how to use the complicated programing, and the Vizzy demo video from the devs gave a nice bare basics knowledge on Vizzy, but I'd like an in-depth explanation on how Vizzy works.

If the Vizzy pros could make a training course on how Vizzy's tools can be used to it's utmost ability, I'd be grateful!



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    So useful information!
    <a href="https://google.com/">google</a>

    5 months ago
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    Yes I need this

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    I'm planning to make a series of 6 videos episodes on how I my Luna trip is automated. I'm not a vizzy pro, I probably do things in long steps because I don't know the short cuts (the proper usage of all vizzy commands and options) but it might be useful. I'm currently occupied with automated timed launch-rendezvous-dock program which I accomplished it's start and finish

    +4 5.1 years ago
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    235 bspawn

    Probably some vizzy tutorials will be made, but creating a full training course on Vizzy's utmost abilities would take a very long time.

    Best way to learn besides already having experience in any programming language, is to study other people's Vizzy programs (also look at reddit.com/r/simplerockets). I found this post to be very helpful: https://old.reddit.com/r/simplerockets/comments/ei1mq7/myfirstautomatedlaunchprogramitmakes_a/ (although it does not work flawless on any rocket)

    5.1 years ago


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