
Alright, so let's get some things out of the way first:

  • I am not PositivePlanes

    • PositivePlanes is unable to write any SR2Os due to lack of time
    • However, he has given me permission to write in his absence
    • You can read more about this here
  • I may get some formatting wrong as I've never written a post like this before, so keep that in mind if you see this early

With that out of the way, let's begin.

Christmas Competition results!

Weebabyseamus (AKA Kevin) has announced the results of the Christmas Competition!
You can view the winners in the linked post, but if you'd rather stay here I'll list them for you:

Well done to those three!

Craft Of The Week!

Kell Auto-Launch by
This craft (or rather, script) can automatically take just about any orbit-capable rocket to orbit! It could even take the first craft uploaded on the site to orbit!

Sandbox Of The Week!

I think I'm just gonna skip this one as there haven't been any notable sandboxes recently

User Of The Week!

He makes good looking crafts, makes some pretty epic memes, recently hit 10k points, and is probably my best friend on this site. Go check him out.

Interview time!

Interview with JastroOne1

  • "Do you enjoy making solar systems more than you enjoy making craft?"

    • "Yes, I do! I'm an astronomer so putting real-world terrain into the game is great fun. Planet building is not restricted by the game's designer tools, so there's infinite possibilities. I'm hoping planet builder will be released soon, so that more people can experience making their own worlds."

  • "Favorite part about SR2?"

    • "My favourite part is the graphics ability of the game: it's possible to get beautiful screenshots even with basic crafts! I always play on 99% contrast, and it really makes a difference."

  • "Have you ever played SP?"

    • "No, I haven't, I've been too busy with sr2!"

  • "Any tips for a SR2 newbie?"

    • "Get involved in the community, set yourself a goal that will help you learn and don't be frigtened to ask for help. Another tip would be, join the modding community."

  • "Do you enjoy reading the SR2O?"

    • "Yes, I do. Keep up the good work!"


Don't really have any SR2 memes but here's a video Bmcclory made:
SR forums in a nutshell


And that about wraps up this edition of the SR2O! I've spent about 45 minutes on this and I'm probably going to have to fix some inevitable formatting issues after I post this, so blegh. See you all around!


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    Sorry for such a late response, But thank you very much for doing this! I think the formatting is fine tbh. Hope you realize how much this brightened up my day, Especially since I'm sick.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    11.1k JastroOne1

    The handsome doge who was interviewed got more space on the post though @Bmcclory

    5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    I would like to candidate my script (finds the Luna launch window, launches, takes any craft to orbit, lunar injection burn, orbits luna and lands there with a suicide landing burn) . I also have a very simple sandbox with 2 satellites, one in geostationary for Long reference and the other shot off the solar system with 90 degrees inclination representing polaris for Lat reference, along with my SR2 GPS craft device it would return Longitude and Latitude if the capsule is level and oriented properly.

    5.1 years ago
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    I havent even seen his face so i wouldent know

    5.1 years ago
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    45.5k MarioG

    @Bmcclory is pretty hot ngl

    5.1 years ago
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    @Bmcclory yeah i just noticed that lmao XD

    5.1 years ago
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    @PositivePlanes i did a thing

    5.1 years ago
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    There we go, formatting issues are fixed as far as I can tell.

    5.1 years ago
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    Of course the bullet points didn't work properly..

    5.1 years ago


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