Hi all,
I made a video to describe the issue:
I'm struggling with an issue already for a while: when a new craft docks to my space station, other attached/docked crafts undock straight after. Some excessive force is suddenly applied, forcing other crafts to undock. I've tried to power off the other command pods as well and I dock without automatic targetting set. FYI: engines are idle, RCS is doing nothing when docking.
This seems a bit like a bug to me. Is this something known, or am I doing something wrong here?
Sandbox: https://www.simplerockets.com/s/SSr7r5/Docking-undocks-other-craft
The sandbox posted in this issue related to this post is still legitimate for the issue described in this post and the sandbox related to the bug I posted is also valid.
Both are separate issues, but undocking is involved in both. I really hope the developers can help out in the (un)docking process, also in making it in such a way that docking is more realistic (with something to aim for the docking port).
I really love the game, and although it has some flaws and I had been at the point several times to abandon it and uninstall it (the only other game I did that ever with was some bus simulator game) I refrained from doing so and gave it another shot later. Simplerockets keeps appealing to me and I just really hope that the devs can help out fixing these incredibly annoying issues.