note: this forum is out of date, a ton more countries have been added. Join the official discord server here:
I thought it would be cool for SR2 users if they want, to “colonize” Droo and name their own countries, landmarks etc. I think there was something like that on SP too. I already picked out my own country/territory, in a small peninsula
Current Colonies/Nations
Xalos (NathanMagnus)
Soviet Republic of Sæberia (NoIDontWanna)
Exemel (SupremeDorian)
Toleco (Bmcclory)
Capitalist Republic of Merso (diegoavion)
thats a big land
Unnamed (Pepethecat)
Moderland (Mod)
: @t4zcomz
@nathanmagnus Did you save a list of all the names of places you named on Droo? I'm making a craft with frequencies and stuff, and I need to give a name to each frequency, which will be scattered around Droo (540 frequncies total). It would be nice if I could use names people are familiar with. If not, that's okay.
Yep! Idk either but ESS colonizing is pretty fun @NebulaSpaceAgency @Sided_Ace
@Sided_Ace the rp ended, sorry bud, and it seems like nobody is up for a second one. however, there is one that uses ESS, but also uses some mods. i don’t know where the fourm is for the ESS one, you’ll have to look if you’re interested
If this is still going on can I join?
This exact thing happened in the KSP forum when it first came out
@PorkyClown3 thanks
@nico412 nice file name
@NoIDontWanna we made an official discord server for this,
@NoIDontWanna are u ok with this?
@NoIDontWanna ok , can satrt the sandbox¿¿¿¿
@NoIDontWanna hey do you have discord? i need to talk with you about territories
this is mine the name is the capitalist repuplic of merso
I agree with making it neutral @Bmcclory
I’ll add that to the forum @Bmcclory
@Bmcclory that should be @Kell
i claim the entire south pole here is my proof
going there
conquering it
establishing a base
I was also thinking we could have some sort of SR2 version of EU or United Nations..
Maybe the SRU? (Simple Rockets Union)
I had no idea, that’s pretty neat! @diegoavion84
merso looks interested (merso was part of the original simplelandia RP)
That’s pretty cool! @NoIDontWanna
I’m also drawing a laid out map for droo so it’s easier
im Working on naming the large continents and seas on the other side of droo real quick