I saw parts.xml and found the value. Since nothing seems relevant to Isp or Exhaust Velocity, I guess it's the key to set Isp.

Really??? How come???



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    @WNP78 I mean it shouldn't be so. Moreover fuel consumption should be mass, not volume.

    6.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    fuelConsumption is the amount of fuel it consumes in some kind of unit per second (not sure what the unit is but it's the same one used to set fuel on fuel tanks, possible litres but I'm not too sure)
    fuelConsumptionScale is the slider you get in the designer which affects not only the fuel consumption but the thrust.
    thrust is literally the thrust given out by the engine at full throttle.
    ISP is calculated based on the first and last value.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    @WNP78 I mean it should be in physical values like isp or exhaust velocity.

    6.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    Full list of engine xml options:

    electricalConsumption type=float
    fuelConsumption type=float
    fuelConsumptionScale type=float
    gimbalRange type=float
    maxGimbalAngle type=float
    maxTorque type=float
    seaLevelEfficiency type=float
    supportsWarpBurn type=bool
    thrust type=float
    vacuumEfficiency type=float

    +1 6.2 years ago

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