Oh jeepers, you found me! Good job, I'm glad you found me. Look I have something... kind of important t-to say- It's about th-the game... Don't- Uh, Eh. Don't- Don't, just, this is.. This is probably looking pretty ridiculous- Don't tell anyone about this game. You wanna.. Don't, don't bring attention to yourself. Destroy it, destroy the game. Destroy the game... before it's too late. What I'm saying is... is get out of this, while you still can. Just, don't.. don't know that you probably know I'm not saying that I'm trapped inside the game, no, that would be ridiculous. No I'm.. I can't... this is... I'm not... the game was... kind of... I got really corrupted. Yeah, I... I don't know what to say. Just... Just trust me. We gotta- This isn't... This seems... I me-I mean it seems... oh. They'd know I.. They intentionally... that's...I guess... I can't- They can't tell you, and some... stuff is classified. I can't say it. I wish I could say more. I can't talk normally. I-it's corrupted. There's-...Yeah... Just... close the program. Destroy it. Never come back.

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