
Which is the most reliable way to get the current pitch´s angle in Vizzy?
I know i can define it with "set craft [pitch] to (x) degrees. "But I couldn't find an option like "get craft [pitch] in degrees".
I know there is a function called "input" where i can read pitch as a value between -1 and 1 but this value seems to be calculated as a shift from prograde´s current value. I found no obvious way to convert these values ??to the current pitch in degrees.

Any help?
thanks in advance.



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    yes - the input is in degrees...but recording the output = the position of the pitch slider, while auto pilot is correcting the heading, and will be close to 0 when the craft is lined up with the heading. sounds like the next update will help with alot

    5.1 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    The newest experimental beta on steam has this and a lot more stuff aswell. The official update will hopefully release soon though.

    +2 5.1 years ago
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    I can get an approximate solution with
    set variable (cos) to (velocity[lateral]/velocity[surface])
    set variable (pitch) to (acos of (cos))
    set variable (pitch) to rad2deg of (pitch)

    it is not ideal as (i think) it disregards movements on the yaw axis. Good enough for playing around.

    5.1 years ago

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