I'm making a tank with moveable caterpillar tracks which made with Fuel Tanks,Struts and rotators,but all of them were all destoried and be pulled to pieces on the ground when I try to let them work(The weight above them is about 1 ton).The strength of the two materials and the connections are too weak,I want to increase the strength of them through XML editing but I don't know which are the correspondings,I need your help.Thanks a lot!
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8,473 crowxe
I'm far from advanced complicated builds but even though I need wires and cables in the game (for pull / data transfer) . Materials can endure pull more than push, will that help you? Would you push that suggestion either ways? I have a craft with a radar that triggers the launch and I had to connect them with struts which looks ugly comparing to cables if they were there
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Increase the stability modifier?