take this as a reference

Some differential equations and numerical approximations are used but it can deal with the changing g, atmospheric drag and such.



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    452 TR2002

    I’m going to make this. If anyone wants it when it’s done, just ask, but do it yourself if you want to, that is more fun :P

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    cool gonna follow this so i dont forget

    5.2 years ago
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    283 Dala1

    I´ve been trying to program a launch to orbit and then an orbit manouver to a polar orbit, but I´m struggling with getting it to orbit (with codding)

    5.2 years ago
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    8,473 crowxe

    For sometime I've been trying to program the "aggressive" suicide landing burn or that's how I call it trying to eliminate the factors that work for our safety (air drag and fuel mass loss) I knew I can't deal with air drag, so I headed to fuel consumption, but turned out to involve math beyond my pay grade 😂. So currently I'm satisfied with that burn that starts with 100% and keeps reducing, after all Spacex themselves don't use full engine thrust on their landing burn

    +2 5.2 years ago


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