I can’t figure out how. I have tried the set pitch but that seems to be temporary. I want it to overrule any player inputs if possible.
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7,853 SmurfResearchX
another way you can try is - "set craft pitch" command, then "wait 1 second" (whatever time it takes the craft to respond), then "lock heading on current". that should hold the heading until you want to change it, then "lock heading on none" to stop it
9,685 AnotherFireFox
If you want to make something happens more than once, you need "while" block. Without it the program would run your code only for once. Put any condition you want in while block and set the code inside of it. If you want the code run perpetually, set "while=true".
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If you go to craft instructions there is a box that says: loch heading on None. You can change the none to whatever you want the pitch to be locked for example, target, current, north, up, down