These are my suggestions for simplerockets. Not really suggestions, but cool ideas.

•Creator Mode: Allows you to introduce new physics and maybe even create planets.

•A black hole: Needs no explanation

•Paint: I wish Kerbal Space Program allowed you to paint your creations, and SimpleRockets didn’t allow it either, so PLEASE let us paint our creations.

Add-Ons: New Galaxies, more parts, part creator even? I would love to see iOS get some add ons. I now that iOS security donst allow mods, but it would be very cool to see if they could be added. Maybe through the app like downloading planes maybe downloading add ons through the same way?

Easter Eggs!
We all love to find little or even big Easter eggs like Kraken or




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    @Shmexysmpilot That's why I said from my limited knowledge. But yes, I agree with you. A black hole would be a fine mod.

    7.1 years ago
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    2,966 LofiTurtle

    @GINGER01 black holes aren’t instant death machines. You cannot enter one and escape but orbits work just the same as any other body. I don’t think it should be added tho bc it would have to be a different map (there isn’t one in the solar system) and you wouldn’t really be able to see it (space is also black). But if a modder decided to make one it would behave basically the same as a star as far as rockets are concerned

    7.1 years ago
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    I'm not a 3d artist, however it takes time, and certain software to make parts. It's complicated. As well a black hole would be useless. From the limited knowledge that I have on blacks holes are there is no way to escape a black hole, it will suck you right in. Therefore serving no purpose in the game beside destroying your creation. As well what do you mean more parts? Andrew hasn't even released much about any part. I believe he said there will be something like a SP fuselage part. More teasers about part will come. Plus Mods and planes downloading are totally different.

    7.1 years ago
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    2,966 LofiTurtle

    Even an in game supported solution would probably get flagged as a mod by Apple bc it’s still consumer created content. I feel like if it was that easy more apps would be doing it

    7.1 years ago
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    145 Aarons123

    @Bmcclory modding is impossible on IOS, why can’t people understand this?

    +2 7.1 years ago
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    take this to uservoice

    7.1 years ago
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    How do you do it? @Bmcclory

    7.1 years ago
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    Doesn’t your have to be jailbroken or something? @Bmcclory

    7.1 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan

    @Bmcclory no...

    7.1 years ago
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    1-We will be able to create our own 'solar system'

    7.1 years ago


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