A while ago, I started this project full of motivation, but after a few things happened I lost everything (dum technology). But now I'm happy to announce that I once again have some motivation, with the new astronauts and everything else, I'm even more ready! So here is the revised plan for Soteria Pt. 2

In Greek mythology, Soteria was the goddess of safety, salvation, deliverance, and preservation from harm.
Max-Q Aerospace is planning to create a system of colonies and space stations on Luna.
This program is designed as a stepping stone for future exploration in order to ensure the safety and salvation of the human race.

Numbers used to be much higher but are lowered for simplicity for now.

One 5 person colony on the north pole.
One 10 person colony at the equator.
One 10 person colony 45 degrees from the equator.
Two space stations, one in polar orbit and the other in equatorial low moon orbit.

Phase II

Step 1: Finalize designs of the LEC and Deliverance human launch system (Previously Nova 6, Design has changed so much that it is a new series of rockets now.) Then construct and test, flight and abort systems. - Success

Step 2: Test launch the Soteria Powerhouse rocket Deliverance with the Salvation capsule on an unmanned test flight to and from Luna - Success

Step 3: Launch Soteria 1 to orbit humans around Luna for the first time and then Soteria II, III, and IV to land at each colony sight for a final check of habitability. - Soteria I [Success]

Step 4: After finalizing the designs for the 6 person single launch Stations 1 & 2. Launch the station on a cargo variant, Nova 6 (in development). In Development

Step 5: After finalizing designs for the two, 10 person outpost, launch them aboard a Nova 6 cargo variant or Other Vehicle and the various other parts (Solar farm, coms, etc.) on a Nova 2 Extended (in Development) -
The futures of Nova 6 and 2 are being discussed, likely to be canceled.

Step 6: Design and test the Max-Q Soteria lander Arrival in preparation for Sotera V - VIII In Development

Step 7: Soteria V, VI, VII, and VIII will crew all the stations and outposts.

The success of Phase 2 will solidify a human presence on Luna and further enable human settlement of the three 10 person colonies.


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    5,769 SelectAKey

    @Teague since your the arbitrator what hasnt been done yet? and whats the link to the sandbox?

    5.0 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,073 Teague

    @SelectAKey Well... What would you like to do?

    5.0 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    how do i sign up for this i totally missed registration by at least a year

    5.0 years ago


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