When a station in orbit approaches a certain distance the rocket takes off and makes an orbit already near the stations in order to save fuel and time



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    10.4k sflanker

    OK, here you go: This rocket has a Vizzy program to get it to 150km orbit. And this rocket has a Vizzy program to launch it at the right time to rendezvous with a target that is in a circular 150km orbit with near zero inclination.

    To be clear this is about the most simplistic approach to automating this, you can definitely do more advanced math to make a guidance program that works for different orbits, inclinations, payload masses, etc.

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    Option 1. Port PEGAS to Vizzy 😱

    Option 2. Given an existing Vizzy program that gets your space craft to the desired circular orbit (everything is much simpler if we're talking about circular orbits), based on the 1) time it takes your craft to get to orbit, and 2) the degrees of rotation in the celestial plane that your rocket travels on it's way to orbit, you should be able to automate a launch to rendezvous within a few kilometers. It will be a little tricky because there doesn't seem to be a way to get the orbital parameters of another craft, however I think it can be done using the direction to target vector. I've been meaning to do this myself so I can stop manually timing my rendezvous launches, so I'll see if I can provide you an example.

    +1 5.0 years ago

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