I wondered whether it would be possible to add the option to create a maneuver node on the current orbit/suborbit line and specify desired apoapsis or periapsis.

It already appears possible to reference an existing node by name in Vizzy, let's take the utilisation to another level.

Thanks, Pugw4sh.



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    12 Pugw4sh

    @sflanker Thanks for your response, I've added this as a suggestion now.

    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    For anybody curious about what the heck I'm talking about below, here is an example of getting a rocket oriented correctly for a prograde burn around apoapsis: Calculate Orbital Parameters and Orient to Prograde at Apoapsis

    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    You should make this a Suggestion instead of a Forum post (the link to this section of the site is under the STUFF menu).

    That said, 👍to this idea. I've been working on basically doing planned maneuvers from scratch in Vizzy, and it is complicated: 1) figure out orbital parameters based on position and velocity vectors, 2) determine delta V requirements based on the difference between the current parameters and the desired parameters, 3) figure out burn time based on craft mass and and Isp, 4) figure out burn vector based on what would be the prograde or retrograde direction at the position of the burn node, 5) convert that PCI vector into Heading and Pitch... and finally we're ready to automate our burn.

    It would be so much easier if we could just 1) create a burn node at a given True Anomaly, 2) set that burn's direction as a PCI vector (it would be nice to be able to get a Prograde/Retrograde PCI vector for any given True Anomaly as well), and 3) set the burn node's delta V.

    I think stringing together multiple burn nodes with Vizzy like you can in the UI would be quite a bit more complicated, so I'm not sure how that would work.

    +2 5.0 years ago


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