After much code and pixel slingin', the first mobile beta is ready. Aside from mobile support, we've got a surprise new part...astronaut chairs! There are quite a few bug-fixes/tweaks/etc as well, just like any other beta release. All builds have been pushed to their respective stores, and Steam is available now, Android should be trickling out to devices soon (although some may take hours), and iOS is still in the approval process and may take a few days.

Here's the original v0.9.0.0 release notes, and the previous v0.9.200.0 beta.

Known Issue: We're aware that some people are having issues binding keys. If you are having any issues, we recommend that you reset your keys to default, and try again. We may require that the mappings be set to default upon the final release, but we're still looking into it.


  • Added mobile support
  • New part - astronaut chairs
  • Added Prevent Debris option to tinker panel so any part can be marked as not debris so that it will not be automatically removed from the flight scene when disconnected from the player's craft.


  • Prevent parts that are initially disconnected from the player craft from disappearing when entering warp (aka becoming debris).


  • Fixed a bug that would prevent nav sphere control if a non-player craft was executing a Vizzy program to lock its nav sphere.
  • Fixed issue where some parts (like lights) may not be properly enabled/disabled. For lights, this meant they no-longer glowed at the base after clicking on them.
  • Fixed a null ref exception caused when a secondary command pod was initially disconnected from the craft.
  • Fixed a bug where the view would zoom when attempting to rotate while using an on-screen analog stick.
  • Fixed an issue where the first person view would not rotate correctly on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where it could be very difficult to tap on parts to select them in the flight scene on mobile.

Tweaks - Astronaut

  • Animations have been updated.
  • Jetpack particle system has been updated.
  • The falling animation now takes more vertical speed to reach the peak falling animation. This is most noticeable in small jumps.
  • You now slow down faster when at the surface of the water.
  • Unbinding the input "Enable Jetpack Inputs" will allow you to use the jetpack-only inputs without pressing a modifier. This could be helpful if you want to move those to keys other that WASDQE to be used simultaneously.
  • Reduced potential lag when pulling out an astronaut for the first time in the designer.

Bugfixes - Astronaut

  • Fixed bug in XML upgrade code which could add a Crew Compartment to astronauts, which would have the "Enter" button displayed in their inspector panel even though you...cannot enter yourself.
  • Fixed bug where upon exiting a command pod, the astronaut would just fall and not be controllable.
  • Fixed bug where you could adjust tether length when map view is open.
  • Fixed bug where all astronauts would start the jump animation when they weren't being controlled.
  • Fixed bug where the FPS crosshairs would remain if you take control of a command pod while in FPS view.
  • Fixed regression when after doing a running jump, you would not continue running after landing the jump until you released the input and re-applied.
  • Nav sphere can now be toggled when controlling the astronaut.
  • Fixed bug where swimming would require and drain jetpack fuel.
  • Fixed a bug where the part connection was not destroyed after removing an astronaut from the crew compartment of a command pod.
  • Prevent a part connection between a command pod and an astronaut from being deleted via the Part Connections panel.
  • Fixed bug where the mouse-cursor would sometimes not reappear when a dialog is displayed while in FPS camera.
  • Fixed bug which after loading an astronaut into a crew-compartment could result in inconsistent handling changes to the resulting craft.
  • Fixed bug where the astronaut's camera modes would show up in the icon stack (but would do nothing if clicked) when starting a flight which has no astronaut.
  • Fixed bug where water physics for the astronaut could get set to low-quality when exiting a crew-compartment.
  • Fixed bug where water physics could be disabled when starting outside a crew-compartment.


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  • Profile image

    also how to test beta on android devices

    5.0 years ago
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    is iOS available for beta now?

    5.0 years ago
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    Use the button in the bottom left corner of the screen@Majortomxyz

    5.0 years ago
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    489 CapCipher

    @Peanutman1234 may as well just update the game

    5.0 years ago
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    How do I do the grapple in mobiles

    5.0 years ago
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    @Ectogaming20 The update is out, just search up Simple rockets on app store then press on it. It should say update!

    5.0 years ago
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    Ios has the update now? Does anyone have the code, cause sr2 doesnt show up on my testflight anymore

    5.0 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley IOS has just received the update and I’m impressed hugely but would it be possible to a some sort of custom crew pods and maybe some sort of habitat module for space stations etc

    5.0 years ago
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    3,285 Davidtheduke

    Is there word from apple?

    5.0 years ago
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    5,221 EdalynEXILED

    @TOMJeb117 definitely not fair but hey at least it’s coming out

    5.0 years ago
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    Would make sense, Apple is a pretty big company, probably takes weeks to get approved @SupremeDorian

    5.0 years ago
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    @Starman1997 if you go to the play store click on SimpleRockets 2 and scroll down you should see an option to become a beta tester. Once you’ve clicked on it it’ll take a day or two to go through

    5.0 years ago
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    How do i get the astronaut on android mobile?

    5.0 years ago
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    3,285 Davidtheduke

    Is there word from apple?

    5.0 years ago
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    @PositivePlanes Apple hasn't approved the beta yet. Once it's approved you should just be able to download it like you would a normal update.

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    I installed test flight, how do I get the SR2 beta on iOS?

    5.0 years ago
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    Looks like ima have to post bone my first flight to cylero ever

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    We got a reply back from Apple, and unfortunately it has little info regarding the beta's status. They did tell us that everything is good on our end, they're just waiting to get the approval through. I'm assuming they must just be behind for some reason.

    +3 5.0 years ago
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    3,285 Davidtheduke

    What do you mean

    5.0 years ago
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    @Davidtheduke what

    5.0 years ago
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    3,285 Davidtheduke


    5.0 years ago
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    5,221 EdalynEXILED

    @PhilipTarpley cool

    5.0 years ago
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    Just FYI, we have contacted Apple to see if they can give us an update on the status of the beta approval. We'll let you know when we have any more info.

    +2 5.0 years ago
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    @Mitchellwi @Everynameistaken1 @Davidtheduke
    Attention IOS users!
    As the developers said the beta is still in application. When it does come please download the test flight app and the devs will post the code. Redeem the code on test flight to receive the beta version.

    5.0 years ago
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    Once it does arrive will it just be an update or will there be a setting to change?

    5.0 years ago
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