I modified solarsystem. The path of the XML file to see the map such as "Planets/Textures/Terrain/Grasstexture" but I can't find where it is. I want to change the texture



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    Dev Pedro

    @sujun sadly rings only use stock textures, Nathan said they will hopefully change that

    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @pedro16797 @pedro16797 I wanted to get a ring for the droo, but when I stored the texture in that folder as you said, it still wouldn't load. I put the u1. PNG stored in [the file/userdata/solarsystem/solarsystem1 (I used package to expand the folder)]. Then I put in the XML "<Rings innerRadius="1" outerRadius="1.5" rotation="0,10,0" texture=u1.png". But the ring turns white instead of the color of my texture.

    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @pedro16797 OK

    5.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    As @sflanker I would wait for PlanetStudio since a lot of things are going to change soon

    +2 5.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @sujun sadly you can only have 1 star

    I strongly suggest avoiding textures when possible, they take a huge chunk to the performance of the game. You should try to use modifiers instead.

    For the game to load the textures just place them in the folder that stores your solarsystem.xml but be careful, once you load them you can't delete them or reload them automatically, you have to go to GameData/SolarSystems and your system to manually delete them

    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @sflanker I want to make more stars but I don't know how to reference the texture I drew in solarsystem.xml file

    5.1 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    I'm guessing these are stored in the game's installation directory, as Unity asset files. Unity is the game development platform Simple Rockets is built in. I don't think these textures are meant to be modified and if you did modify them it's not something you would be able to share with anybody. I suggest you wait for the Planet Builder feature and see what it has in store. The ESS folks managed to get some pretty impressive results just tweaking the stock textures.

    +1 5.1 years ago

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