I need an apex engine that is 11.6 meters wide at 50% size pls. The engine itself doesn’t need to be like that, just the “base” (part closest to the nozzle) of the exhaust. Don’t ask why. I’ll credit u in the post.



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    @sflanker interesting, but thank you!

    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    I shudder to think why you need this, however it is quite trivial to do, so here you go. The tinker panel only lets you take part scale up to 500% which doesn't quite do the trick. I found that a scale of 1100% works (assuming you want the gimbal struts to be the thing that measures at a diameter of 11.6 meters. If you wanted the bell or some other part of the engine to fit within that diameter you'd have to adjust it. The XML change is very easy:

    <Config partScale="11,11,11" />

    This element is a child of the <Part> element. partScale is a vector with the scale factor in each direction (to convert to % multiply by 100).

    If you aren't familiar with XML and how to edit it, it is very easy to learn and there are lots of resources on the web. Given the day and age we live in it will be worth your time to learn.

    5.0 years ago
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    11.5k Chtite451SR2

    i do have overload but i dont really know how to do what you need sorry

    5.0 years ago

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