Firstly let me say that the Mods of this site do a great job of moderating and this is by no means a shot across the bow to them but I merely want to point out that the Mods need better tools and the ability to better moderate the forum. However there are a few issues that I think we can all objectively say that could be addressed by giving the mods expanded abilities to pin post "stickies" and delete or lock repeat/spam posts.

One MAJOR issue at the moment is the fact that the Suggestions section of this site is being neglected by the community, due to most suggestions being posted in the forum, (of which a large number are repeats) and as such are diluting the importance of the actual suggestions. Forum posts will get the upvotes but posts in the suggestions area of this site will not have the chance to be implemented by devs due to the lack of upvotes.

Secondly, something has to be done about the large number of "when will version -insert latest BETA version here- be released on iOS/Android?" Stickies addressing frequently asked questions such as these would go a long way to decreasing these low-quality posts. Additionally repeat posts of this nature should be deleted, if not they should be locked from both responses and upvotes.

Overall these and other type of low-quality posts are in my opinion undermining the otherwise high quality of the Forums of this community. Although I would be the first to say that there should be room for everyone to express opinions and ask questions, there should be a reasonable limit to this and spamming the forum with low-effort posts is not conducive to helping this community grow.

I have addressed these issues in the following suggestions, please read them, and if you agree, please upvote:
Pinned-Posts suggestion
Suggestions need to be posted in suggestions area
Delete Spam suggestion

If you have made it this far and read the whole rant, thank you! If not then oh well I don't blame you :P

Please, let's keep the quality of this community on a high note!



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    11.7k KraZIvan

    @SupremeDorian Thank you for the info, and for being transparent. There are always things going on behind the scenes the rest of us (like me) might not be cognizant of so it's easy to make assumptions. We are grateful to you the mods and the devs though!

    4.9 years ago
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    I also feel it's worth noting that we actually are getting new moderator tools whenever Andrew has the time. Because of me constantly making suggestions after I was made a mod, a spreadsheet was made for moderator tool suggestions.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    @Jundroo is an automated account @KraZIvan

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan


    4.9 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    @SupremeDorian ah, thanks for that :D

    4.9 years ago
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    We actually can sticky posts (and comments), we just don't because.. I dunno, we just don't. Not like people actually pay attention to pinned stuff anyway...
    Being able to lock posts would be pretty nice and I'll talk to Andrew about implementing that.
    About the suggestions thing -- I'm honestly not sure why the suggestion tag still exists. It's probably left over from before there was a proper suggestions page available to the general public.
    Also, @'ing someone doesn't work in posts. It has to be done in a comment for them to receive a notification.

    +3 4.9 years ago

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