Here are the release notes specific to the final version, released today. We also wanted to say thanks to all the beta testers who helped us test these betas out.


  • Added "Replicate Stage Activations" option to command pod, which is available in the flight scene in the command pod's inspector panel.
  • Added button in Advanced Part Properties to change the command pod that controls a part.


  • Electric Motor properties now display Static Resistance in the same units as motor torque.
  • Restored ordering of key-binding categories to how they were in 0.8
  • Electric Motor will use input controller with "Brake" id, if one exists, for brake input.
  • Save Replicate AG, Replicate Controls, and Replicate Stage Activation settings on command pods.
  • Tweaked the water tower colliders to hopefully prevent an astronaut getting stuck behind it.
  • The camera no-longer collides with the water tower, or the hangar building.


  • Corrected the tooltip for Max Temperature in the Tinker Panel to indicate it is in Kelvin and not Celsius.
  • Fixed a bug where the braking with the Electric Motor prevented static resistance from being applied.
  • Fixed a bug where input controllers would not respect Replicate AG of their command pod when using an AG as an input.
  • Fixed bug where a command pod could point to a different command pod as it's controlling command pod. Command pods should always reference themselves.
  • Fixed a bug where older landing gear would extend by default even if it was set to not Start Extended.
  • Fixed bug where ambient ocean sounds could be playing when out in space.
  • Fixed a bug where undo steps could not be accessed after making changes in Part Properties.
  • Fixed bug which would cause the camera movement to become jerky if you set the camera focus to a part and then jettisoned the part. bug demo

Features - Astronaut

  • The astronaut now has the third and first person camera modes available when you take control of him while he's in a chair.
  • The astronaut's body is now visible in FPS view while he's in a chair.
  • When in a chair, the astronaut now enables/disable control & stage activation replication of the primary command pod. That way you can take control of an astronaut in a chair and fly most craft.
  • You can now shoot the tether while while seated in a chair.
  • Enabled grappling hook in 3rd person camera.
  • Added ability to customize the astronaut's exit position/rotation for crew-compartments.

Tweaks - Astronaut

  • Third person camera for the astronaut now focuses directly on the astronaut instead of the craft when they are seated in a chair.
  • You now continue controlling an astronaut after sitting in a chair. Previously, it would switch to the command pod associated w/the chair.
  • Allow astronaut chair to be auto-rotated when placed in designer.
  • You can now use the turning inputs when in first-person view.
  • Added option to enable/disable grappling hook under the astronaut's flight inspector panel.
  • You can now adjust jetpack and jump power scalars for the astronaut in the designer, and their states along w/the enabled states for jetpack/grappling hook are preserved when saving.
  • You can now disable camera-follow for the astronaut (in flight view inspector options).
  • The tether adjustment UI slider's value is reset when the tether is destroyed.
  • The tether will no-longer allow you to extend it beyond its breaking distance.

Bugfixes - Astronaut

  • Fixed bug where actively controlled astronaut's who get blown out of a chair are no-longer controllable unless you switch from/back to them.
  • Fixed issue where changing the water physics quality setting to less than High would cause the astronaut to float strangely.
  • Fixed bug where a non player controlled astronaut may appear to have jerky movement relative to the player.
  • Fixed bug which could result in not having the correct camera modes available when switching crafts.
  • Fixed bug causing astronauts to sometimes fall through the ground if they are in a chair and the chair is destroyed. bug demo
  • Fixed bug where you could click "Enter" on an astronaut chair while already sitting in another chair.
  • Fixed bug where an astronaut could be clicked while they are invisible, in a crew-compartment.
  • Fixed bug which would sometimes prevent an astronaut from getting into a chair.
  • The astronaut's will now have a proper pilot orientation when pulled out in the designer.
  • Fixed upgrade code which erroneously added crew-compartments to Command Chips.
  • Fixed bug where the astronaut could go into the "T pose" for one frame when leaving the chair.
  • Fixed bug where shooting a tether could cause the camera to re-center.
  • Fixed bug when starting out in space, an astronaut may not have the proper "space" animation enabled.
  • Fixed issue where you wouldn't refuel unless you were in first person view.
  • Fixed bug where grappling hook crosshairs would remain visible in map view.
  • Improved sliding animation if you're doing a stationary turn and then start walking. bug demo
  • The grappling hook's crosshairs now respect the show/hide UI flag.
  • Fixed a bug where the rocket would include seated astronaut jet pack engine performance in in-flight performance analysis window for the entire craft.
  • Fixed bug where astronauts could be below the terrain or penetrating craft parts when exiting a crew-compartment.
  • Fixed bug where crosshairs would remain after entering a command pod.
  • Fixed bug which allowed the FPS camera to be saved as the default, causing errors if loading into the flight scene w/o an astronaut selected.


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    6,068 Natedoge

    No... @Nerfenthusiast

    5.1 years ago
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    2,949 socialist

    Why not add the window?

    5.1 years ago
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    Can we get the ability to T pose with the astronauts?

    5.1 years ago
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    Added button in Advanced Part Properties to change the command pod that controls a part. sweet!

    +1 5.1 years ago


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