In Vizzy I'm trying to add a space in between words and variables when using 'join' to couple these. I've tried to use captions or anything, but they show up too when running the program. I am on a Samsung Galaxy S9, I am not sure if it is Android which seems to automatically delete spaces, or SR2. If the first or last of a word is a space, it is gone as soon as the keyboard is off the screen.

Is there any way to fix this? Of course it shouldn't always add a space, for example when assembling a countdown display like 'T-00:00:05'.

Then I can display for example 'Throttle is set to 85%.' instead of 'Throttle is set to85%.'.


Edit: I was waiting for an update hoping it would be fixed or added as a new function, but I still can't find it...



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    10.4k sflanker

    The join expression preserves spaces, so if the first slot contains "Throttle is set to " including a trailing space you should get your desired result. Perhaps there is something about the Android version that is preventing you from adding trailing whitespace.

    I highly recommend you check out the format expression. It uses a .Net format string to interpolate a number of expressions into a string and gives you fine grain control of how each expression is displayed, for example you can adjust how many decimal places are displayed or whether thousands separators are used. You can even use it to change a fraction to a percentage. For example format (Throttle is set to {0:p}.) (input (Throttle)) would return the string you're looking for.

    Pinned 5.0 years ago
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    15 pvdhee

    @sflanker Whoa, thanks man!! That and the link really helped me even further than I hoped!! It must be a new feature of Vizzy though, I can't remember it being there before yesterday's update.

    It's pretty awesome to see Vizzy growing together with my programming skills. =p

    Big thanks!!

    5.0 years ago

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