Why does it decay?

Is there any reasoning behind it, such as to prevent some nasty glitches?



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    @AndrewGarrison Yayyyy

    4.9 years ago
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    CraftBuilder.CreateBodyScript sets the angularDrag to ModApi.Constants.InitialRigidBodyAngularDrag and it's never changed after that. Changing BodyScript.RigidBody.angularDrag to 0 outside of atmospheric density would do the trick.

    +2 4.9 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Okay, I will. How about give us some clue on making a mod on it? I've seen through ILSpy but I couldn't find which script makes the angular drag. I don't know how to make a mod not to add something but replace something. Can you help me on it?

    4.9 years ago
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    @AnotherFireFox Make a suggestion post and we'll get to it when we can.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison That's great, but can we have an option to disable the angular drag? This doesn't only hurt the feeling of realism, but also ruins my craft's key features - for example, my craft has real life scale of RCS thrusters and this is smaller than your angular drag so it can't really maneuver. It doesn't have stable aerodynamic reactions either. If we can't have the most accurate physics model, I'd have a fault version of it without angular drag. Allow us to have the option, please.

    PS: In my opinion, having a good PID controller and a strong enough gyro to compensate the angular instability would be better option than alter the law of physics to have the angular drag in the vacuum.

    4.9 years ago
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    Having a small amount of angular drag helps improve the stability of the physics engine. Without any drag we've occasionally the physics engine go bananas as if energy is continuing to creep into its calculations. We also don't support angular velocity when entering warp mode, so just adding a touch of angular drag seemed like a reasonable solution.

    +4 5.0 years ago
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    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    I have also been wondering about this lately. Trying to keep a craft rotating seens to be harder than it ought to be.

    +2 5.0 years ago


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