has been released on Steam and Android, with iOS following as soon as it is approved. This update doesn't include anything that we considered a feature, but it does have some significant bug-fixes, and a few respectable tweaks.

I'm happy to report that you should now be able to expect more reasonable naming after your crafts dock/undock/break apart/have an astronaut enter a chair, etc...it was something that really annoyed a lot of you (and us). Here are some remaining possibilities for confusion, though. Let us know if you continue to find any other issues w/craft naming outside those peculiarities (or suggestions to improve).

As always, even though Android has been released, it may take up to a few days for it to reach all devices, from our experience. Most devices should be able to access it almost immediately by manually updating.

Player-submitted features/bug-fixes related to this release can be viewed here. The original 0.9 release can be viewed here


  • Made it easier to pull instruction/expression blocks out of the Vizzy toolbox.
  • When a craft breaks apart, new crafts will inherit the name of their original craft along w/an identifier. For example: when craft "MyRocket" breaks into a new craft, the new craft(s) will be named "MyRocket-XYZ" instead of just "Craft-XYZ".
  • The craft that a part belongs to is now displayed in the flight scene's inspector panel, when a part is clicked on.
  • Whenever an astronaut gets out of a chair, their throttle value will be reset to zero.


  • Fixed a Vizzy bug where the Angle Of Attack property was returning the Bank Angle.
  • Fixed bug where the inspector panel for crew-compartments could show an astronaut which has already been removed, if the crew-compartment's panel was pinned when the astronaut was removed.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the part inspector to throw errors if a part had two fuel tanks.
  • Fixed bug where grappling hook controls were not displayed in while seated.
  • Fixed issue on mobile where the astronaut's UI would sometimes not show the appropriate buttons.
  • Fixed bug where the nav-sphere/auto-pilot would often not control crafts properly when using a seated astronaut.
  • Fixed bug where astronauts could show up multiple times in a crew-compartment/chair.
  • Fixed designer bug where you could no-longer see the pilot representation if they were obscured by craft parts while using the "Adjust Pilot Orientation" gizmo.
  • Fixed astronaut water physics bugs that would result in you either raising up out of the water, or sinking to the bottom.
  • Fixed errors when an astronaut gets loaded into the flight scene after your craft approaches it.
  • Fixed bug where under water sound fx would still be active after reloading, if the camera was under-water when the load occurred.
  • Fixed typo in Titan engine description.
  • Fixed bug where the staging UI button was advancing the primary command pod's staging instead of the active one. This also fixes the issue where you sometimes couldn't advance stages after putting an astronaut into a seat on the craft.
  • Fixed bug which could cause the astronaut to temporarily get stuck in the "falling" animation if you pressed jump button during the exact "right" frame while landing a previous jump.
  • Fixed issue where starting out on EVA would not enable the astronaut's UI buttons (tether, jump).
  • Fixed bug when exiting a chair which made the astronaut's fuel be displayed as zero, and performance data to not update.
  • Fixed a Vizzy bug where the planet mass could report 0.
  • Fixed issue where crafts' names would frequently change after docking/undocking, and after entering/exiting astronaut chairs.
  • Fixed bug where if an astronaut's inspector panel is pinned, it would stay visible even after they enter a command pod.
  • Fixed bug where an astronaut's run/walk animations on planets could be too slow/fast after they've crossed a sphere of influence boundary.
  • Fixed bug where renaming an astronaut in map-view would not update the astronaut's name until map view is closed.
  • Fixed bug where renaming a craft while an astronaut is in the chair will have the craft lose the name when the astronaut leaves the chair.
  • Fixed very old bug which could result in "floating icons" in map view which when clicked on would leave map-view unusable.
  • Fixed bug where after an astronaut gets into a chair, the craft's throttle, or other input values would suddenly change.
  • Fixed issue where command replication was not always being updated properly for a seated astronaut.


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  • Profile image

    Please add a track system and weapons (missiles , machine guns.....ect.....)

    4.9 years ago
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    my screen keeps flickering whenever i open the game

    4.9 years ago
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    337 XBeastX

    @PhilipTarpley found it thanks

    4.9 years ago
  • Profile image
    337 XBeastX

    @PhilipTarpley update isn't on 0lay store yet

    4.9 years ago
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    2,949 socialist

    Ok,I have downloaded it.It feels good,and I am looking forward to the

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    135 LUIZMS


    4.9 years ago
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    @ArseniyPlotnikov Having the same bug here. When I just tap the astronaut, it moves to the center of the craft.

    4.9 years ago
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    @XBeastX Can you try updating? I released a hotfix (v0.9.205) this morning which addresses the issue.

    4.9 years ago
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    337 XBeastX

    The new patch has a bug with the astronauts... cant use them on android... after patch the just disappear ore the craft with them wont launch

    4.9 years ago
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    @socialist I just re-released the same patch as 0.9.205 so you will be able to tell when you've got it.

    4.9 years ago
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    @socialist It might take some time for the update to be made available worldwide by Google.

    4.9 years ago
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    2,949 socialist

    @PhilipTarpley Where is it?I didn't see it in google play.

    4.9 years ago
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    @socialist @ArseniyPlotnikov A hotfix for that issue has been pushed out, thanks for reporting it. The version number did not change.

    4.9 years ago
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    2,949 socialist

    Have you reported it yet?@ArseniyPlotnikov

    4.9 years ago
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    2,949 socialist

    Yes,I met the same bug@ArseniyPlotnikov

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    55.2k KirRu

    I found one new bug with pistons(android). crafts with pistons starts to levitate.

    +2 4.9 years ago
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    Astronauts don't work for me after this update. When I try to drag them onto the pod, they just stay in the center of the craft, and even if i do drag them onto the pod, they don't disappear and just stay attached. Also the craft cannot be launched with the astronauts attached to the pod.
    Edit: astronauts in crafts saved before this update work just fine
    Edit 2: if I make a subassembly from a finely working astronaut, the subassembly astronaut also won't work

    +3 4.9 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    Bugfix updates are good too!

    +2 4.9 years ago


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