Whenever I finish XML editing a planet, the changes never seem to take effect.
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4,131 KitKart
@NathanMikeska Oh and one more thing, how do you change the ingame music.
Dev NathanMikeska
Changes to the default solar system are always overwritten. Try the 'CloneSolarSystem id' dev console command to make a copy of the default solar system, then edit that.
From the release notes:
Added a couple dev console commands to help with XML modding planets and solar systems. Use 'CloneSolarSystem id' to make a copy of the current solar system and update your game state to reference it. Use 'PlanetStudio planetName' or 'PlanetStudio planetName quality' to open a scene with the specified planet. WASD & IJKLUO move the camera (shift/control for fast/slow). Keypad +/- to adjust speed. Space to lock to the surface. SolarSystem.xml changes should automatically be recognized and cause the planet to regenerate itself. Alt-F4 to exit.
@KitKart Music tracks are currently hard-coded and tied to planet names I believe. Definitely not what we want moving forward, but for now, that is unfortunately how it works.