Mono Prop update
I have laid the groundwork for a new engine type, Mono prop motors. There is two nozzles as of now, a normal bell nozzle and an angled one, as well as 5 new fuels, Hydrazine, MMH, H2O2 100%, 90%, and 75%.
I've also reworked the electrical consumption of the electric and Vasimr engines since they consumed way to much electricity.


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    45.5k MarioG

    @Kreole NTO is N2O4, its just an abbreviated version engineers give it. Hope this helps :D

    4.9 years ago
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    0 Kreole

    @MarioG Thank you!
    Any chance we can get N2O4 (Di-nitrogen tetroxide) as an oxidizer to mix with Aerozine-50? That's the mixture Titan used. I see the combo listed on your prop chart linked to in your REO mod, but can't dial it up in-game.

    4.9 years ago


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