ESS 3.0 - Urados Dusk is now released on the 0.9.3x Experimental game branch! Check it out here!

The patch brings 5 new moons to the game, and overhauls many older/stock bodies. Players can now explore the Urados system with new, detailed rings. Tydos has also gained a faint, dusty ring system formed by comet impacts.

Currently the release is in Beta state, we would really appreciate it if players let either me or pedro know about any bugs they find or things they think should be changed.

Note: All versions of ESS are stand alone, so you dont need to have 2.0+ installed in order to use 3.0.


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    11.1k JastroOne1

    The format is:
    ![](image link)
    I use discord to upload and link all images and file downloads for ESS, it works very well

    4.9 years ago
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    Just out of curiosity, how do you embed images into forum and craft posts? BBC code or HTML doesn't seem to work

    4.9 years ago


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