
This mod provides you a new type of fuselage. The Cylinder Tank, comes with built-in bulkheads and skirts, are able to hold fuel of its actual internal volume which is almost 80% more than stock fuselage. Furthermore, you can select with what material your tanks are made of - which affects the empty mass, price and shell thickness.

This mod is a sibling mod of not-yet-released Mo'Fuselage mod. While Mo'Fuselage mod focus on more shapes and possibilities, this mod focus on reality.


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    373 zeropol

    Thanks for the clarification. I wasnt aware of RSS for SR2, found the page and I'm eager to see the immending next release ! I m now hyped ^_^

    +2 5.0 years ago
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    1. Nope, this mod aims to enhance the reality. Stock game is built with smaller planets, so it nerfs engines and fuel tanks to match the difficulty. This mod is meant to be played with RSS, just like REO.
    2. Yes. Set Cylinder Height to 0 and you get a sphere tank.
    3. Not at the point, but definitely would make it. Ultimately the material would have more physical parameters including Ultimate Tensile Strength and such and I want to simulate the proper physical properties.

    5.0 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    While it make sense, could not it brake the balance of the game ?
    Is this with this mod you did the spherical tank in a previous post ?
    Lastly, does shell thickness have consequences for "impact resistance" ? ( does a thinner shell is more brittle ? )

    5.0 years ago
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    @OldCoach uhm...why? This fuel tank has its own internal rendered, so you don't need to put it inside of a stock fuselage.

    5.0 years ago
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    514 OldCoach

    Downloaded this and the fuel tank looks good. Do we put these inside stock fuel tanks and/or struts set to look like rocket body tubes?

    5.0 years ago


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