Does anyone have a guide or link to a guide for route planning? I'm trying to get a rocket to reach Celero, but I am pretty certain that flying seat of my pants is not going to work out very well. Knowing how to actually use the route planner and all would be a big help in that regard. Also for stuff like a rendezvous between multiple spacecraft and the likes.



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    @sflanker Thank you, this has been very helpful! Haven't actually successfully pulled this off quite yet, but I now have a much better idea of what I am doing!

    4.9 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    Also, it's not a guide per se, but one of the brilliant minds here created this excellent diagram of delta-v requirements for different transfers.

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    I'm not aware of a specific guide to various transfers, however, conceptually it's fairly simple. To do a fuel efficient transfer (ignoring gravity assists which are much more complicated), you are basically going to be doing a Hohmann transfer to get you from one planet to another. TLDR; A Hohmann transfer means doing a burn to go from an initial (generally circular) orbit to an elliptical orbit having one apsis touching the initial orbit and the other apsis touching the target orbit, and then do another burn at the opposite apsis to change from that elliptical orbit to the target circular orbit. Interplanetary Hohmann transfers are a little bit more complicated than a Hohmann transfer because 1) you have to time your burn to arrive at the target orbit at the right time to have a rendezvous, and 2) you have to deal with exiting your current sphere of influence (which basically means making your initial burn at the appropriate point in your current orbit). There is a really good video about this by Scott Manley. He is using Kerbal Space Program but many of the concepts are transferable. If you want to see it done in SR2, here is a slightly less awesome tutorial (<-- not Scott Manley, but still many kudos to folks making these SR2 tutorial videos 👍).

    There's also lot more to be found about Hohmann transfers and interplanetary maneuvers on the web, for example:

    +1 5.0 years ago

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