Hi all! My name is Roberto, I have played simple rockets I and KSP but i am new on the Simple Rockets 2... Greetings to all and thanks to Jundroo for entertaining our boring lifes!

I was wondering if i am an idiot or something... but i can´t find how to search something in the forum, can someone tell me how to search stuff in the forum?

Kind regards



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    1.4 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    Hi Roberto :)
    Sflanker suggestion was :
    "I just use Google with the site:simplerockets.com/Forums keyword. Seems to work reasonably well. Google updates their index more frequently and seems to have better precision. For example I was able to find this exact post by searching for site:simplerockets.com/Forums "search inside"."

    4.5 years ago
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    10.8k Insanity

    Just go down 7 forum posts, its literally the same question.

    4.5 years ago

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