Yes, add fragmentations from crashing, the bane of all sattelites (and all other artificial space objects). Let's say I've accidentally crashed into my space station and oh no the crash resulted in tons of fragments ready to tore other sattelites to pieces. Also i recommend adding an option to enable or disable it because i think it will be laggy.



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    112 eonn44

    @sumeee, that would work, but the developers still need to represent the scrap field which I guess could be a big modified torus or something which of course wouldn't be that taxing on a computer. Eventually though, the developers will also need to show that field not only spread but also decay because of atmospheric, and solar pressure which they would also have to add to space stations for the sake of consistency. These effects would have to be calculated in the middle of time warps which could slow down the computer. I don't know what the implications of this might be, so I couldn't say for certain. At least Jundroo wouldn't have to redesign their movement system for the spaceships though because it looks like the developers use cartesian elements for crafts instead of Keplerian elements, so that's a start.

    6.2 years ago
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    640 sumeee

    @eonn44 @JollyMac I don't think it will create lag at all. This is because you only need to make a mathematical model of the distribution of the debris and then roll a dice to find if the craft will be hit or not. Rendering physical objects for this is useless because at 60fps it cross the whole screen in less than a frame.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    @eonn44 already added it to the Suggestion area. Thanks for upvoting this :)

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    112 eonn44

    be sure to put this in the suggestion area. This would be so awesome to see, but honestly very demanding. Sometimes realism must be sacrificed for playability.

    6.2 years ago


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