Hello everyone!

I'm working on a series of YouTube tutorial videos for building rockets in SR2. I'll be starting with the basics of building rockets and working my way up to advanced topics like orbital mechanics, Homann transfer orbits, and advanced rocket designs.

The first three videos are currently out on YouTube and I've posted them to the SR2 sight for any players to use as a resource when building their rockets.

You can go to the series here

Let me know what you guys think and please like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoy the content and want to see more advanced topics.

Thanks, and I hope everyone is staying safe in these crazy times!

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    10.4k sflanker

    Nice work on the video series, I'm sure these will be helpful to the community. I suggest you consider giving voice over commentary a try. I know from my own experience making a video that this is really challenging, so I completely understand why there is an advantage to producing videos without them. A good voice over requires developing a script, adjusting timing, rehearsing, and doing extra takes. However the benefits are that your videos will be more engaging and accessible.

    No matter what you decide regarding voice over, this is still great content. Thank you for producing it.

    4.9 years ago


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