I am making a large Mars Rover and in a small rover that could be deployed from the main rover, well, when I try to enter it with an astronaut, first, it doesn't go into the sitting position, second, it glitches out and doesn’t let my control the craft or any other, and third, I can’t enter, or exit, or control, any other chair, or command pod, or command chip. If I destroy the Charlie the astronaut is currently sitting in, the astronaut go rolling extremely fast, and is unable to be controlled. This is an annoying bug and I’m wondering if it’s happening to anyone else.


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    6,068 Natedoge

    I’m not sure it’s happened multiple times, but then just stopped. Oh well I guess.@zeropol

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    At the moment I did not had these problems, do they show up in any of your contraptions or just with this rover ?

    5.0 years ago

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