Almost two months later, I got 500 points! Thank you so much for all the points I have. It really means a lot to me and that you think I am original or something like that. Anyways here is an FAQ
Q: How did you get into SR2?
A: When I went to the official Jundroo page, I saw the original teaser video of SR2. I clicked on it and this is how I got here.
Q: What did you play before?
A: I played SR1 for a limited amount of time and KSP
Q: How did you even get into Jundroo games in the 1st place.
A: When I was little, I had this odd fascination with bridges. I don't know what it was, but I think it was the bridges falling down and stuff. Anyways while I was looking for bridge apps, I saw this app called simplephysics and the icon had what looked to be a stressed out bridge so I clicked on it and got it. It wasn't bridges as I had hoped, but it was still fun. So I got dummy defense and I got stuck with Jundroo ever since.
Q: What was your 1st rocket on SR2:
A: It was a rocket called Lunar II. It wasn't very good but I did manage to get to Luna and back.
Thanks for motivating me to play SR2. If it wasn't for you guys, I probably would have gotten too frustrated and left.
Oh and one more thing, how did my forum post, top 10 reasons why Droo is flat got so popular in the 1st place.