Does anyone know how to do rendezvous . Is so please tell me



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    10.4k sflanker

    Here is a tutorial video on this topic.

    4.9 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    There is probably more than one technique to perform a rendez-vous.
    I'll describe the one I use for manual rendez-vous.
    1- At launch pad, go in map view and fast forward until you are under the target orbit line. If your craft is already on orbit, ignore, you'll probably need more delta-V, go to step 5.
    2- launch, and during ascension move heading in navsphere so you end up with the same inclination.
    3- Aim a bit below or above the target orbit.
    4- circularize
    5- at one of the two points where it looks like your orbit "cut" the target orbit, burn radial or antiradial if needed. If your inclination is not that good, also burn normal or antinormal.
    6- now wait for the point where your orbits are the closest and burn retrograde or prograde to have a comparable eccentricity between you and the target.
    7- Your orbit should now be similar to the target, except you are lower, or upper than the target. One of you will catch the other with time.
    8- fast forward, wait for your craft to catch up, or the target to catch up.
    9- when you are near, perform a small burn ( always in map view ) to fine tune your closest approach.
    10- fast forward and try to kill relative velocity at nearest approach.
    Someone may have better tricks than these, and/or longer explanations.
    Also, some people made Vizzy program who automate all the process from take off to docking, but I don't have the links.

    4.9 years ago

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